Fic title: Mountie Duck
Pairing: J2, and assorted, vague side-pairings
Rating: R
Word count: 30,000
Warnings: Seeming country-based & Mountie stereotypes, but it quickly becomes clear that they are misunderstandings. Many mentions of past high-class prostitution, not graphic. Jared and Chad mention getting stoned a couple times.
Summary: Jared is a Mountie at a small border crossing. Jensen Ackles avoids his official hug.
Art: A billion thanks go to my awesome artist,
_afterism, who made the best drawings ever, go look at her stuff!
GO GO GO! Cute coffee cups and Jared in a Mountie outfit with ankle boots! This kid is amazing. She was so chill about the whole thing, and is super sweet. ♥
PART 1 ||
PART 2 ||
PART 3 A/N: First and foremost, this story was inspired by Kate Beaton's glorious
Mountie Duck comic. Not in any way affiliated and no plagiarism intended, consider this fic an ode to the beauty that is Hark, A Vagrant!
As far as any of this fic being really isn't. As far as I know, Mounties are not at border check points. The comic is about Canadian stereotypes, so I just went with that. Also, other things, like writing RPS. Nope. And I know very little about high-class prostitution and this is not meant to offend anyone. It also talks about fish & chips, but I don't eat meat so have never had it, and Louis Tomlinson is a character for
faithgrowsold but I've never listened to 1D. Here is
a gif with his face in it.
Thank you to everyone involved in the creation of the thing that you may possibly go on to read. I don't know how this many people got involved, but anyway, I feel very honored and amused. The story came about because
britomart-is and I had a conversation about how there needed to be all permutations and tropes made out of the Mountie Duck comic, and a couple weeks after that,
faithgrowsold and I got a flat tire and we ended up plotting the whole story while stuck in our car by the beach. Those two, and
lavishsqualor, and
riyku, kind of experienced a few months of liveblogging and were available for discussion of stupid plot points and were nice enough to look this over for me kind of last minute. And the email chain of awesomeness! You guys make everything fun!