The Random Question Meme!
An array of completely random questions about my friends!
Where did
bratchnymonger leave the remote?Behind his couch, under the homer slippers.What was the last game you played with
chiquitabonita?I'm not sure there was ever a set game. I think the face that life is one big laughfest is a given.Is
lilcuteferret hiding under your bed right now?Abso-fucking-lutely.Who would make a better window-washer,
devilswhore or
erikua?Definitely devilswhore. The devil's whore washing windows is a greater comfort that erik at UA washing windows.In what ways are you smarter than
stopannoying?Do I even know who stopannoying is?What hobby do you think
avidreader06 should take up?Hobby? Hmm... there are so many she already has. I don't think there's anything left! Maybe, tetherball. Yes, definitely tetherball.Does
jazzygal630 know how to spell the word 'embarrass' correctly?I don't think embarrass has ever come up in any jazz song or title.It's all
amadiagio's fault, isn't it?It's always her fault. Damn you!!! ::shaking fist::Is
perfectlyclumsy an innie or an outie?Most definitely an innie. All in her own world with the tater-tots.
This is by
heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions
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