Welcome Bacque, my Soft and Darque Fairiegyrl. How do the Nytes fynd you? as for me, I have found a measure of Contentedness in this Darque Wyrld we inhabit- I was able to find work at Ye Hotte Topick as Ye Cashier after I got fired from my job at Cinnabon. Shouldst I see if my Corporate Masters require additional employees? It would Seeme quite Fittinge, as you most certainlye embodie the Darque and Tragick Credo that is Gothick.
Also... wouldst Thou favor me with thine Presence sometime over a Delyteful Glasse of Merlot at a local Establishment? Perhappes before one of our Most Enchantinge Gothick Musick Nytes at these Local Clubbes of Ours? I must confess that thoughts of You have Ensorcelled me these past few weekes, and I muchly desire to have you close to me, even if it for a Fleeting Momente before the Cruelle Worlde tears us apart.
Comments 3
Also... wouldst Thou favor me with thine Presence sometime over a Delyteful Glasse of Merlot at a local Establishment? Perhappes before one of our Most Enchantinge Gothick Musick Nytes at these Local Clubbes of Ours? I must confess that thoughts of You have Ensorcelled me these past few weekes, and I muchly desire to have you close to me, even if it for a Fleeting Momente before the Cruelle Worlde tears us apart.
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