Avie: "Just so this doesn't come as a surprise, chickens are cheap to raise." Kate: "huuuh?" Vinny: "No." Avie: "Not here. But when we have more space, I'm really thinking about it. Because then I'd know where the eggs were coming from, and that the chickens were being treated well." Vinny: "I'd adjust." Kate: "::giggles hysterically::"
I am looking to procure boxes with an interior dimension of at least 11 inches across and 9 inches deep. External dimensions must be a max of 13x13. Wooden prefered. upcycling prefered.
Of those 6 persons, 4 have the plague. One has turned to bronchitis, one is old and frail and can't afford bronchitis. One might be over the hump, but I dunno yet and one is just starting. The other two of us are NOT holding out hope that we will escape unscathed.
Remember that rhyme? this is the thing that did something to the something that did something to the something that did something to the something, that lived in the house that Jack Built
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