Yesterday I went to the dentist and while there I had my tongue piercing removed. Now I know this probably doesn't seem like a big deal, but to me it was. To date I had the piercing for six years, six months, and 17 days
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Ok so I'm getting married in a month and when I told my dad and Will's dad that they had to get fitted for a tux and are wearing ties, they both asked if they would wear BOW TIES
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Ok, so I've been totally lazy with this thing *as usual* but I figured I'd update it b/c I actually have something worth while to post
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Well this weekend was pretty uneventful. I thought that I'd be spending a lot of time hanging out with Matt, but he has a lot of people to catch up with. I pretty much worked all weekend
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Thursday was a great day,and probably one of the best I've had in a while. I spent my morning at work and doing the truck delivery. That wasn't much fun, but afterwards was
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Today I had another day off :) I was pretty unproductive the whole day. I slept in and watched a lot of tv. I also got a new movie from Netflix, so I watched that while painting my nails
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