+go to John Mayer on July 15th -go to Incubus on August 13th +get a new camera -start electric bass lessons -actually practice electric bass when I start lessons -dye my hair black with purple over it
I wish so badly it were the summer. Kelly came over today and we hung out outside a little then went to the pool. IT WAS FREEZING. It was perfect. Then we chilled in the sun with some ice cream :] And now I have to do my homework. Blahhhhhhhhhhh. I want summer. I want summer. I want summer.
Right now I'm sick, so I'm washing my clothes and posting on here. Tomorrow I'm going to Yale with the fam. We're going to a bunch of little parties. Then sunday we're going to other things, then more parties, then a ball. Then on monday Mike's graduating. Blahhhhhhhhh.