[Compile] Renji, Misa, Rukia

Dec 21, 2006 23:05

Renji felt duly cowed by the look Rukia had given him. Damn that imp always able to make him feel two inches tall with one of those looks. No matter though, he always got his revenge. Revenge he would save for later when they got away from this pesky little blonde.

A rather dumb blonde at that too.

His hand came up to face to groan into it as the girl admitted accidentally to eavesdropping. For now he let Rukia handle the situation, wrote it off as psycho girl on girl confrontation. His friend was rattled, whatever this Light person had said or done to shake her up, it made the dinky noble jittering. Jittery and Rukia did not mix.

Renji looked from one girl to the other wondering if they were going to say anything next. Really they were just staring at each other one looking rather annoyed the other utterly vapid and guilty.

Was this the start of a chick fight? If it was he had his money on Rukia. Well once he *had* money it would be on Rukia, because right, money was in Soul Society.

So here he was in an enviable position with two hot girls ready to come to blows and all he could really think of was where the nearest bikini store was and if he could get a large vat of either mud or vegetable oil.

The girl wasn't answering, and Rukia could almost feel her patience wear thin within her. She stiffened her stance and clenched her fists, looking almost as if she was about to start a fight.

This girl... she's acting extremely defensive. I wonder if she knows something...

"Please tell us why you were listening to us. We are in the midst of an immense conflict right now with a man that could endan--"

Would it be a mistake to say too much? Rukia had yet to determine whether this girl could be trusted, and if she was working for Aizen...

Rukia visibly shook her head.

She would just have to wait for a response before she made any more moves. Physical violence wasn't an option right now, but if the blonde didn't speak up soon, she might very well have to resort to force, or at least a memory suppressor.

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