Notgeld'ы. Пример достойного контента❸.

Apr 23, 2020 03:42

「Картинка кликабельна」
Моя скромная подборка по нотгельдам времён Веймара из города Билефельд1.), известного ещё в эпоху Ганзейского союза производством льняных тканей. Традиция сохранилась до двадцатого века, и в период денежного кризиса именно здесь были выпущены первые Stoffgeld’ы - купюры, изготовленные из материи. Та, что находится у меня - сделана как раз изо льна. Лично я испытываю потрясающие ощущения, когда держу подобный артефакт в руках) Отдельное слово хотелось бы сказать и о художнике белифельдских нотгельдов - настоящем мастере своего дела. Но увы, данных о нём я разыскать не смог - возможно, кто-то поможет мне с информацией? Имя таланта не должно быть забыто.Нет, это не моя скромная подборка. Это из коллекции
Алонсо Кихано. Про чудо-художника могу сказать только, что ИМХО картинка монеты/купюры принадлежит государству, на крайняк монетному двору. Поэтому имена авторов всплывают крайне редко, чаще уже после смерти. Даже серьёзные каталоги такую информацию обычно не дают. Может быть это ещё и потому, что труд коллективный. А может из-за того, что при жизни имена художников, по вполне понятным причинам, не разглашаются. Опять же, это исключительно моё ИМХО. Вернёмся к ВКонтактику Алонсо, где он продолжает жечь напалмом:

「Картинка кликабельна」
Попала в коллекцию такая вот кайфовая банкнота периода гиперинфляции - 1 миллиард марок города Билефельд 1923 года. Графика изобилует острой политической сатирой
По-ходу Алонсо уже не остановить:

「Картинка кликабельна」
Банкнота 1000 марок города Билефельд, выпущенная 15 декабря 1922 года. Материал - шёлк, очень приятно держать в руках. Учитывая актуальные цены, прописанные мелким шрифтом вверху, а так же графическое содержание - выпуск этой купюры выглядел сущим издевательством)К сожалению Свинскую тему он не раскрыл от слова "ваще". А жаль. В славном граде Builefeld'е Свинский вопрос был решён чуть более чем полностью. Твоему вниманию уже моя скромная подборка, правда в виртуальном формате. Свиньи присутствуют везде, хотя и не крупные. Смотри внимательней:

Внимание! Вопрос!1! Уж не Свастон ли там прячется? Причём на них на всех и нотгельдах, и стоффгельдах:

Если даже мне что то и пригрезилось, то в этом нет никакого криминала, галюциногенных грибов я не жрал и кислотой не закидывался. Builefeld'ические нотгельды/стоффгельды вполне себе со Свастикой дружат. Смотри на аверс, в правый нижний угол:

Билефельдский нотгельд 50 марок 9.4.1922 stoffgeld шелк.А Gibbs-Murray A.J.2.) в главе "INCORRECTLY IDENTIFIED 'ANTI-SEMITIC & JUDAICA' GERMAN NOTGELD ISSUES" даже уличил исконных жителей Builefeld'а в голимом жiдоедстве:

Bielefeld was a linen producing town in Germany, so it produc some of its notgeld issues on material such as jute, linen and silk. The piece above is made of a gold silk material and can be considered
‘rare’ with a value of over 1000 euros! There are several different types of this note and my book about them explains which ones are rare and which ones, more common. In the left-hand side picture, a Catholic priest with a long beard, (sometimes mistaken for a rabbi) chats to a man selling sausages. In the right-hand side picture, you can see the devil figure has on his left arm the word ‘Wucher’ (usury), something particularly associated with the Jews (because it was the only profession they were allowed to carry out in the Middle Ages, anda profession reserved only for Jews). Not certain that this is anti-Semitic though.
This 500m stoffgeld piece, again issued in Bielefeld, depicts what may appear to some, to be a Jewish type figure. However, the chap on the left appears to be ‘Deutscher Michel’ (German Michael, Germany's equivalent to John Bull) - you can tell this by his nightcap, which he is always depicted as wearing (he is surrounded by texts of
biblical lamentations - Job 16:11 "God has delivered me to the ungodly" and Jeremiah 2:16 "The sons of Noph and Tahapanes have broken the crown of your head". These quotations explain his sidelong glance at the figure on the right, who is clearly Woodrow Wilson in the guise of everyone's favourite top-hatted capitalist, Uncle Sam, around whom we have the words "Wilson's Suggestion for Peace" accompanied by the bible verses from the prophet Habakuk, 2:16 "You will be filled with shame instead of glory" and 3 :16 (which makes sense in the light of the Versailles treaty):

"I heard and my heart pounded, my lips quivered at the sound;
decay crept into my bone, and my legs trembled. Yet will I wait
patiently for the day of calamity to come on the nation invading us”

Biblical anti-American sentiment indeed!

Uncle Sam / Wilson appears to have a chicken on his shoulder
instead of an American eagle. The figure of the bare-breasted lady in
the middle seems to be a made-up personification / goddess Boerse,
goddess of the Stock Market (Boerse in German); she carries away in
a great bowl the sacrifices of sacks of money while the crowds call
out pitifully to her: "Dich lieben wir Boerse / Vielmehr als die Verse"
(We love you, o goddess of the stock market, much more than we
love these verses: - being the biblical and other verses with which
the Bielefeld notes are typically decorated).

These 500m types were issued in sets of 3, with different verses on
their reverses. They were made in silk and/or linen, so a collector has
at least 6 pieces to collect. Add to that the purple(usually!) stamp
mark that may or may not be present, then the number of variants,
one can collect, rises. Fairly readily available still, these pieces sell for
around the 40-50 euros each price.

These material pieces are absolutely enthralling historical and
cultural artefacts. Highly collectable and highly collected! (My
notgeld publication showing the 100m stoffgeld pieces, with the
different edges and borders, now has over 180 different pieces!)Неплохой обзор имеет место на Navona Numismatics. Правда подход там чисто механистический - сканы + самое минимальное описание. Никаких захватывающих историй не предъявлено. Это минус. Зато сканов много. Это плюс:

The Colorful Bielefeld Notgelds from the Great War to the Wiemar Republic.
Bielefeld is a city in the Ostwestfalen-Lippe region in the north-east of West-Rhine Westphalia. The Coat of Arms of Bielefeld is shown below.

The city of Bielefeld issued notgelds during the Great War and during the era of the Weimar Republic. The city is well known for issuing the most colorful and sought after notgelds in Germany during this period. Besides paper, Bielefeld also issued notes in silk, leather, velvet, linen and wood which are in very high demand as collector items by notaphilists worldwide. These notes were issued by the Bielefeld Stadtsparkasse (town's savings bank). Money made from fabric are called "stoffgeld".

The 5 mark banknotes were issued during the Great War (1914 - 1918).

The 50 pfennig banknotes were issued on March 1, 1918.

The 10 mark banknotes were issued on November 1, 1918 and valid until February 1, 1919. [Так в оригинале!11!!]

The 10 mark banknotes were issued on November 1, 1918 and valid until February 1, 1919.

The 50 mark banknotes were issued on November 1, 1918 [Так в оригинале!11!! КАроче, здесь и далее все вопросы к автору сюда:]

The very large 50 mark banknotes were issued on November 1, 1918 and valid until December 31, 1918. Actually it comes with 2 perforrated parts - a 20 mark and 50 mark.

The 2 perforated parts together is shown below.

The 1 mark banknotes were issued on November 11, 1918 and valid until December 1, 1918.

The 2 mark banknotes were issued on December 1, 1918. This eye catching note has an optical illusion. No matter which way the note is viewed, there is a reverse image as if it were viewed from a mirror.

This series of 10 pfennig (purple), 10 pfennig (green), 25 pfennig (yellow) and 25 pfennig (red) notgelds were issued on April 1, 1919.

The 50 pfennig banknotes were issued on March 15, 1921.

The 1 mark and 2 mark banknotes were issued on May 15, 1921, valid until July 15, 1921. These notgelds commemorate the 700-th anniversary of Bielefeld.

The 5 mark banknotes were issued on July 15, 1921.

The large 1,000 marks banknotes were issued in September 1922 (the obverse resembles a hard bound book).

The 50 mark banknotes issued on April 4, 1922 were over stamped 50 million in 1923.

The 250 mark banknotes were issued on September 4, 1922 and over stamped 250 million marks in 1923.

The 500 mark notgelds were issued on September 15, 1922.

The 1,000 mark notgelds were issued on October 7, 1922.

The 500,000 mark banknotes were issued on August 20, 1923.

The very rare 500,000 marks notgelds were issued in 1923.

The 1 million marks, 3 million marks, 5 million marks and 10 million marks banknotes were issued on August 11, 1923.

The 1 billion mark banknotes were issued on February 1, 1923.

The 10 million mark banknotes were issued on September 9, 1923.

The 25 billion marks banknotes were issued on October 15, 1923.

The 25 billion marks one-sided banknotes were issued on October 25, 1923.

The 50 billion marks and 100 billion marks square banknotes were issued on October 28, 1923 depicting "Germany's Collapse".

The 1 trillion marks and 10 trillion marks banknotes were issued on November 16, 1923.

STOFFGELD (Cloth Money) from the City Savings Bank
The 25 marks (Grabowski3.) 17d, Grasser-Pick 16c) stoffgeld (cloth money) were issued on July 15, 1921.

The 25 marks (Grabowski 22a, Grasser-Pick 17c) stoffgeld (cloth money made of linen) were issued on July 15, 1921.

These 100 mark notgelds commemorate the 700-th anniversary of Stadt Bielefeld and were issued on July 15, 1921. The 100 marks (Grabowski 27d / Grasser-Pick 22a) and the (Grabowski 28c / Grasser-Pick 21 a) stoffgeld's are one sided.

The 100 marks (Grasser-Pick 26c) was made of linen and issued in 1921.

The 100 marks (Grasser-Pick 22a) pink banknote is embroidered in silk and issued in 1921.

The 100 marks (Grasser-Pick 22c) pink banknotes were made in rosasilk and issued in 1921.

The 100 marks (Grabowski34c / Grasser-Pick 22h) is embroidered in black silk and is two sided.

The 25 marks (Grabowski 42a, Grasser-Pick 18) stoffgeld (cloth money made of linen) were issued on April 2, 1922.

The 50 marks (Grabowski 43r, Grasser-Pick 19a) stoffgeld (cloth money made of silk) were issued on April 2, 1922.

The 50 marks (Grabowski 47a, Grasser-Pick 20b) stoffgeld (cloth money made of silk) were issued on April 9, 1922.

The 50 marks stoffgeld (Grabowski 47c, Grasser-Pick 20c) (cloth money made of silk) anti-Semitic notgelds were issued on April 9, 1922 depicting a Jew hanging from the gallows.

The 50 marks stoffgeld (Grabowski 50c, Grasser-Pick 20e) (cloth money made of silk) anti-Semitic notgelds were issued on April 9, 1922.

The 500 marks (Grabowski 53a, Grasser-Pick 23c) stoffgeld (cloth money made of silk) anti-Semitic notgelds were issued on October 21, 1922.

The 500 marks (Grasser-Pick 24b) stoffgeld (cloth money made of linen) were issued in 1922.

The 1,000 marks (Grabowski 57.1a, Grasser-Pick 25a) stoffgeld (cloth money made of linen) were issued on December 15, 1922.

The 1,000 marks (Grabowski 60b, Grasser-Pick 26b) stoffgeld (cloth money made of linen) were issued on December 15, 1922.

The 5,000 marks (Grabowski 67b, Grasser-Pick 28a) one-sided stoffgeld (cloth money made of linen/Jute) without border were issued on February 15, 1923.

The 10,000 marks (Grabowski 70a, Grasser-Pick 30) one-sided stoffgeld without border (cloth money made of linen) were issued on February 15, 1923.

Bielefeld Goldmarks
The 10 gold pfennig (1/42 dollar) notgelds were issued on November 8, 1923.

The half gold mark (1/2 dollar)notgelds were issued on November 24, 1923.

The 10 gold pfennig (1/42 dollar) and 50 pfennig (5/42 dollar) notgelds were issued on November 28, 1923.

This series of gold marks in denominations of 1.05 gold mark (1/4 dollar), 2.10 gold marks (1/2 dollar) and 4.2 gold marks (1 dollar) were issued on November 8, 1923.

The 1 Goldmark (stoffgeld) (GR 100a / GP 53) notes were issued in December 1923.

(Grabowski 109, Grasser-Pick 56a)
STOFFGELD (Cloth Money) Gold Marks
The oval shaped 4.2 Goldmark was issued on December 1, 1923 and came in three different colors - yellow (Grabowski 108, Grasser-Pick 56a), violet (Grabowski 109, Grasser-Pick 56b) and red (Grabowski 110, Grasser-Pick 56c).

The 10 gold marks and 50 gold marks notgelds were made of felt/velvet and issued on December 15, 1923.

А ваще то на самом деле никакого Builefeld'а не существует. Инфа 100%:

image Click to view

Продолжаем путешествие в дивную страну Нотгельдов:__________________________
- Manfred Mehl "Deutsche Serienscheine von 1918-1922" стр. 57-59:

- A.J. Gibbs-Murray "TARNISHED GEMS. Anti-Semitic notgeld and Reichsbanknote issues" стр. 36-37.3.)
- "Deutsches Notgeld" 12 томов. Ищу давно, но пока безуспешно на любом е-носителе Wanted books!. Правда 10-й том у меня есть, но если брать в куче, естественно, из-за одного тома жмотиться не стану. На крайняк подарю свою пластинку кому-нибудь - не один же я на этой планете озабоченный.

Сoins&Вons, , Свинота/Рork

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