Nov 08, 2009 13:00
- 14:57 Half of Duane Reade is filled with their new house (store) brand products. They're selling everything now even DR organic lemonade. Insane. #
- 09:13 Would you rather be really hot or really cold? Why? #
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Nov 06, 2009 13:02
- 18:18 Best Buy just sent me an email asking me to review the iTunes gift card I bought a few weeks ago. #
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Nov 05, 2009 13:02
- 14:35 I really need to just take a week off. #
- 16:41 Me: Jason, what's a nice, soothing, happy word I can say to myself when I wanna punch something like now?
Jason: America.
- work # - 17:57 I wish I could just teleport home. Can somebody start working on that, please? #
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Oct 15, 2009 12:05
- 17:16 @ elysiasegal Stamps? Use the machine to buy stamps. #
- 17:20 Got my neck and back cracked. Feels awesome. #
- 07:40 I genuinely slept better last night after having my neck cracked twice yesterday. #
- 08:42 Hoodlum kid on bus: "Yo, shut the fuck up, you being mad fuckin' loud." #
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Oct 14, 2009 12:26
- 13:07 @ sassbutt They use animals, don't they? #
- 15:56 At the vet with Garfunkel. This is always depressing. #
- 15:56 @ nycnic2305 All I've eaten today is a small portion of home fries. I'm starving. #
- 23:08 Where the fuck is this bus? I could've walked home by now. #
- 08:29 Tis' cold! #
Oct 13, 2009 12:03
- 12:48 This pickup truck's bumper sticker says "I LOVE CONCRETE." #
- 06:49 Headed off early to work, need to leave at 1 to bring Garfunkel to the vet for an ear infection. Realizing how much I love NYC. You suck DC. #
- 07:39 @ doctorfedora WHY DO YOU HATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE? #
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Oct 12, 2009 12:11
- 12:37 At the Air and Space museum. #
- 16:05 @ OptToMiss HERE COMES THE SUN... DOO DOO DOO DOO. #
- 10:21 Goodbye DC. *waves* #
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Oct 11, 2009 12:02
- 14:40 $8.75 to see IMAX at the Smithsonian. Where the fuck are my tax dollars going? That should be free. #
- 17:48 Standing in front of the White House... not really that impressed. #
- 17:49 @ elysiasegal NJ sucks ass. #
- 17:57 We just saw Obama's dog taking a shit on the White House lawn. #
- 19:27 Walked over a mile over a bridge to get to the Metro (
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Oct 10, 2009 12:02
- 12:55 Attempting to stream Keith Olbermann (250MB/hour) over 3G going 100+ mph on Amtrak was... unsuccessful. #
- 15:05 In DC at Union Station. About to take the Red Line to DuPoint Square. #
- 15:22 Apparently the Red line at 3PM is like the Lex line at rush hour - fucking crowded. #
- 16:18 The DC Metro is just like the LA Metro from the last season of
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Oct 09, 2009 12:05
- 20:48 I found two dimes on the sidewalk today. #
- 10:05 Headed off to Penn Station. Taking Amtrak Acela first class to Washington DC for the weekend. Leave suggestions about what to do there. #
- 10:54 "You may notice police with dogs in the station. Please do not approach or pet police dogs." -Penn Station Amtrak concourse #
- 11:08 @ emetophobe WHY DO
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