my life has been good so far...all i know in this world is that you dont need a lot of friend or girlfriend to be happy, as long you have your fam to back you up 100% thats the happiness right there...i just wanted to thanks my fam for being there for me...i love you guy... heheh
yesterday i went to play basketball with my sis and her friends....omg i am in pain body is so sore, but yeah its was fun... of course my team which was thyda, my sis and i who kick other girls ass...haha...
Your home will be a very busy place, complete with kids, dogs, family and friends. How nice to know that it's the warm, welcoming vibes you send out that make them want to be around you.
hey everyone...i got this off navy page..hahaha...well i adopt a pet too...since i miss my dog chicken...well i got another one adopted and his name is chicken also... here it is.....