so we got a new computer...finally i love it.....anyways works alright i kinda hate working everyday....but w/e...i kinda fucked up yesterday thow.....i did a transfer and forgot to put in the invoice...yea im def. in trouble once that package gets to CA. gah. i guess thats what i get for not paying attention...
hmmm so yea i feel weird like somethings wrong with in love but i feel as if im afraid of something but i dont know what i guess im feeling weird or something.....its just one of those moods you can yea going up north where it was 22* was pretty interesting you can say...i wish angel could of gone with me thow:/
so truck is broken yet seeing a pattern here and its pissing me off!! if anything buying a new vehicle is the last thing on my list of things i still need to save for!! well im in class right now and im bord out of my mind....gah! this weeks going to be interesting...