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  • New Gorillaz image/Jamie posts more art/Damon performs new Blur song/Damon working on new musical

    gorillaz_news Jun 15, 2012 12:16

    New Gorillaz image promoting Dalai Lama's visit to the UK
    The Dalai Lama begins a UK tour today. Jamie has contributed a new Gorillaz image to promote the visit. You can check it out on the official Facebook of the visit here.

    Jamie posts more art on TwitterJamie's been tweeting a lot, becoming a one-man reason to get on Twitter if you haven't ( Read more... )
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  • Jamie on twitter / shares new art

    gorillaz_news Jun 13, 2012 10:04

    If you haven't found out already, the latest news is that Jamie has joined Twitter and has been tweeting a lot in the past few days. You can find his account here: here, so get on Twitter and get following ( Read more... )
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  • More Gorillaz Converse incoming (apparently) / Bobby Womack news roundup / Damon 5 mag + Jools vids

    gorillaz_news Jun 10, 2012 10:05

    Big news update! Sorry for being slow for the last week or so, and rest assured normal service will now be resumed.

    More Gorillaz Converse incoming (apparently)Rumours of a second set of Gorillaz Converse have been flying around the net (with pictures backing up some of the claims) since at least February (when we reported on the rumour, with the ( Read more... )
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