Shamelessly ripped off from
Elle’s fighting meme, it’s the RPG / MMO meme! It's where we imagine what the game would be like and what our characters would be doing if the setting involved lots of experience points and fetch quests. Think C&C as a Bioware game or possibly World of Warcraft. Or even Pokemon with superheroes.
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Comments 94
Role: Mission resource/inventory stockpile location
Moral alignment: Neutral good, leaning to the side of ImPorts
Character Class: He's a network specialist with an emphasis on data storage, transfer, and hacking.
Level: 35-40
Abilities: Provides PC with safe communication to other resistance members as well as intel for missions. Also sets up transfer points for the loading/unloading of inventory so PC's hammerspace pockets don't max out when you need another potion or w/e.
In combat, he has a multi-purpose suit capable of clearing a vast area via assorted power bursts, but it's a kind of one-hit thing because it'd set off a LOT of alarms and make things worse. It's like a clear-the-area-now-RUN thing.
Mini-bio: Jaime's the guy the PC gets sent to if interest is shown to join the ImPort resistance or they've been saddled on a mission to move refugees. If they want to do more, the PC receives regular reports and updates with fresh missions around the globe to assist other NPCs and PCs ( ... )
Role: Party member who dies (DM resurrects him many sessions later as a villain, TWIST)
Moral alignment: LG
Character Class: He's a scout!!
Level: He's level coresponds with the PC's, and you encounter him early, so it's low, but he's running off of really good base stats.
Abilities: He specializes in infiltration and reconnaissance. He is the guy who will check ahead to make sure there aren't any traps, etc. He's a serviceable party face too, in a pinch.
Mini-bio: Bucky makes fast friends with the PC, and is an invaluable ally at the beginning of PC's journey. He's really good at getting those plot items and approaches every situation with a sort of savvy. Too much savvy, in fact, but his tragic early death makes the fight personal for the rest of the party.
Sample of interaction with PC: "I told ya. It's just Bucky." or "It looks like that building's rigged to explode! I better go check it out!"
You probably only know about option B if you gamefaqs it, though. And even then, he doesn't join permanently, he's just an NPC ally for one battle. He spends the rest of his time at party HQ, telling the PC how grateful he is for their help, but generally just sitting on his ass.
Role: Party member :o
Moral alignment: Neutral good!
Character Class: Ranged attacker for sure. Probably some weird mix between a black mage and sniper, like a black magic version of the Gun Mage from FFX-2?
Level: She's god tier, so... 99?
Abilities: ...Can I go with Pokemon moves? I'm going with Pokemon moves. So her move pool would basically be stuff like Gravity, Rest, Telekinesis, Spacial Rend, Helping Hand, Sleep Talk, Yawn, Hex and Teleport.
If we're doing more FF-ish stuff, it would be stuff like Meteor, Warp, Demi, etc etc. Basically all the hardcore non-elemental spells, I guess!
Mini-bio: Jade would be holed away in some remote corner of the City, building robots and weapons and other crazy things. She also helps people get in and out of the City with her awesome space powers. The Protagonist will have to help her on one of these rescue missions to get her into the party ( ... )
Role: Quest Giver.
Moral alignment: Neutral evil.
Character Class: Chessmaster. He's engaging you in a quest, which is really just some intricately devised plot of your downfall.
Level: You can only get this knowledge by solving the riddle I'll make for it, how's that?
Abilities: Pretending to aid the PC while manipulating them so -- manipulation and deception and charisma LOOK NO PHYSICAL THINGS OKAY. Other people fight for him.
Mini-bio: Eddie is found in the nearly collapsing, hollowed tower that was the Chrysler Building. It's sort of like someone re-purposed it for a GIANT DEATH TRAP or something!! If you live through the "security", he sends you off with a nostalgically D&D riddle quest deal with it. Only after you near completion of this UNGODLY COMPLICATED GOOSE CHASE do you realize he was trying to kill you.
Sample of interaction with PC: "You really ought to think less like a incompetent fool."
Role: Event character
Moral alignment: Chaotic good most of the time
Character Class: Non-party reactionary character
Level: 28-30
Abilities: Detection of enemies from a wide range, mind reading, teleportation (once per meeting)
Mini-bio: Much and more of the ani-psionic/psychic technology is based off research done on Soldier Blue. After razing and escaping his prison, Blue wanders with hazy, hole-filled memories that direct and redirect him as he goes. Following a quest to learn how to dismantle the anti-psion tech will lead to sniffing him out, which will lead the PC on a bit of a hide-and-seek fetchquest.
Good/evil alignment points (whatever you call those) affect how willing Blue is to interact; he might just keep pulling an Abra and teleporting away if PC is too unsavory. And he might blow up if continuously stalked by immoral PCs. 8|
Sample of interaction with PC: "I don't know I? When I see the right faces, I know...but I recall nothing when I look at you."
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