i've got to find a significant stress reliever. i mean, i need to start writing again more, or i need to do takewondo or i need to do yoga. i also need to realize, a little bit at a time, that while i can't save everyone, i can HELP many.
a non-student brought a gun into school on friday afternoon just after the seventh period bell rang. we have a faculty meeting about it this afternoon.
i was proposed to today, by a beautiful latino man named jose (he also goes by 'mia joseFINE.') in the middleof fourth hour english class which I was teaching. ha. haha. i blushed and told him i would consider his proposal over the weekend.
question: how do you know you are listening too loudly to jack johnson?
answer: when your neighbor, three flights down and around the corner, in the building next to yours can hear it clearly enough to sing-along (which i'm obviously doing, because i hate jack johnson. ha.)
so, maybe i've been tuned intensely to my own tragedies or maybe this is really as terrifying as i think it is but, has anyone else noticed the degree to which women have been the prime targets of severe forms of assualt lately
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