User Name/Nick: Amanda
User LJ: On file
AIM/IM: On file
E-mail: On file
Other Characters: Amanda Young
Character Name: Dr. Denise Mahoney
Series: Scrubs
Age: 27 32
From When?: After the season 9 episode "Our New Girl-Bro" Several years after the point I originally played her from, so post-canon.
Inmate/Warden: Warden. She was last time she spent time on the Barge, and actually managed to graduate her first and only inmate (Miss Parker).
Item: A medical chart. Her medical pager.
Abilities/Powers: She's an ordinary human medical doctor. She's now an attending physician at New Sacred Heart Hospital, having moved up in the ranks since she was last on the Barge.
Denise is, to put it lightly, "abrasive." She is blunt and opinionated, and doesn't hesitate to tell anyone what she thinks of them and their decisions...unfortunately for others, her assessments of them are often less than nice, as she tends to be extremely insensitive. She can't connect strongly with her emotions (when she can even connect with them at all), not even with her family, close friends or significant others, because it makes her feel vulnerable. She is strong and appears to be almost impossibly stoic; deep within herself, however, she is very critical of herself and any mistake she makes in the course of her job chips away greatly at her self-esteem.
She chose a career in medicine because she is fascinated by the workings of the human body, but doesn't at all enjoy the human interaction that comes with it. Between her start as an intern and her promotion to resident physician, her bedside manner improved enough for her to be able to converse with patients and not cause them to cry, and eke out just enough sympathy to offer comfort to a child whose mother was dying (albeit with some prodding). Although she acts annoyed when people try to help her with compassion, she actually becomes incredibly angry when they stop; it makes her feel as though she's being given up on.
Denise is promiscuous, and doesn't like being tied down. When it comes to sexual partners she "likes bangin' dudes" (in her own words) and used to prefer fat men, men with no self-esteem, and (to be a little more specific) fat men with no self-esteem, because they (in her opinion) try harder in bed, don't expect commitment, and are incredibly grateful after sex. She has since mostly gotten over this "phase," as she calls it, and is more likely to proposition any man who catches her eye for any reason. Although she's now in a steady relationship, she has declared her boyfriend to be exclusive to her (without asking him), but asserts that she herself is still be open to casual sex with others; willingness to enter any kind of relationship outside of meaningless sex, even a half-open one, is such a huge step for her that it's nearly a miracle in and of itself.
Although she maintains her hair and makeup, and dresses well outside of work, she isn't really feminine. She's been called "dude-chick" before, and even relates largely to men because of her issues with emotions. She doesn't care about her lack of femininity or what others have to say about it, because she's confident of her attractiveness and is able to attract men without problems.
[NOTE: Everything past this point is relevant to the time after her departure from the Barge.]
Since her time on the Barge, which has been several years for her, Denise has gotten over a lot of her discomfort surrounding emotions...but only with people she really trusts, and that's not very many people.. She's more receptive to her feminine side, and is willing to look more girly for special events, but doesn't prefer it; 90% of the time, she dresses as is normal for her. She's abandoned her promiscuity since marrying her longtime boyfriend (to whom she proposed), but hasn't shied away from frank and un-self conscious discussion of sex--or of anything else, really.
Basically, old Denise is now slightly lighter, slightly softer Denise. She hasn't seen any reason for drastic change, as she's perfectly satisfied with the way she is and Drew has never sought to change her. She's also quite a bit more responsible now; being given more responsibility tends to do that. Shell still likely be rude or even mean in the process, however.
Path to Redemption: N/A
History: Not much is known about Denise before she's first shown as an intern. Her mother died giving birth to her, and she and her three older brothers were raised by her father. Her father was a very caring man, but not great at showing his emotions without discomfort, a trait which Denise shares as a result.
Denise got into medicine because she was fascinated by the science involved. During her time as an intern, she was chosen by J.D. (the main character of the show) as his protegee and 'pet intern'. He nicknamed her Jo, after the "streetwise mannish girl" from the television show The Facts of Life, and became dedicated to teaching her how to sympathize and empathize with her patients.
After her internship is done, she's selected as a resident physician, and moves to New Sacred Heart Hospital after the old one is shut down and demolished. She takes the position of student adviser at Winston University's med school, which is on the same grounds as the new hospital, because she'd receive free room and board as part of the deal; she failed to show any interest in the mental and emotional well-being of her charges, however, and delegates one of them to give emotional support to all of the others so she doesn't have to. She was also chosen as J.D.'s teaching assistant, much as she was chosen as his protege.
She began a purely sexual relationship with one of her students, Drew Suffin, and at the urging of some colleagues takes the plunge and begins dating him "seriously" (although she refuses to be exclusive to him). She began mentoring another student, Lucy, and Turk chose her as his new "best-work-friend."
[NOTE: Everything past this point happens after her departure from the Barge.]
She continues her work and her relationship with Drew, to the point where she makes herself exclusive to him and suggests getting married or having children together. Possibly more unexpected is the fact that she wears a dress to Drew's White Coat Ceremony. She herself is promoted to attending roughly a year later (possibly in part due to being Cox's favored resident physician), and a year after that, she proposes to Drew. The two of them use part of the money she earned from the Admiral to get a nice apartment in the area, and are married (paying for the wedding with the rest of her Barge paycheck) not too long after.
When Denise turns 31, she brings up having kids to him again. They both decide to wait until Drew graduates and is signed on at Sacred Heart as a resident, so that if she decides to take time off after the baby is born, they won't need to worry about making ends meet. He makes resident the year she turns 32, and Denise decides she might as well go one more round on the Barge to create a little nest egg before she tries to get pregnant.
Sample Journal Entry:
Right here! Sample RP:
Right here! Special Notes: None!