Jun 17, 2008 22:31
checking back in lol
Jul 16, 2006 04:49
Just wanted to say hi.. and i will try to update more... and i will..
peace and love
Dec 12, 2005 08:05
I decided to keep this LJ for public post and make a other one. I know i can do privite post too but i just want have it secret.
today up for haircut sometime today. watch movie ring 2. play tons of wow! its crack you know. anyone that wants it for xmas i can get it fro $20 cause i am a member. leave msg!!!
off to wow
Dec 12, 2005 07:50
Time is running out here on LJ.
I will be finding a privite LJ soon. I want to say stuff but not to the world. Email me if you want the new lj link..