Title: Off the Stage (4/14)
Author: gradgirl (aka Ali)
Rating: PG-13 (eventually NC-17)
Characters/Pairings: Van Hansis/Eric Sheffer Stevens
Summary: Future fic. What happens off the stage when Van and Eric meet again?
Warnings: RPS. If you are offended by the idea, please do not read this story.
Disclaimer: Complete fabrication, never happened, never
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Comments 55
I find repeating the same comment over and over to you. I am totally mesmerized while reading and feel like I am there with all the characters.
Loved the play rehearsal. VH/Mia connecting, VH/Mia running the scene, ESS observing - such lovely descriptions and emotions.
Of course, I had total fun with them rehearsing the first kiss scene :) I think that I shared the stomach butterflies with them. You even made me look up a word "poleaxed". I like it.
The younger man reached out and ran his finger down Eric's jaw line. "Beard burn," Van noted.
See, that's "gentle chemistry" in action. And then you describe that head duck and chuckle that we've seen from "Reid". It honestly gives me shivers.
I loved how Van was speaking to Eric during his scene with Mia and I loved how captivated Eric was with Van during that scene. I love the chemistry and sexual tension that you've created between them.
"The younger man reached out and ran his finger down Eric's jaw line. "Beard burn," Van noted."
Okay...A)Oh God Ali, you are killing me with lines like that! I actually whimpered a bit when I read that! I can picture it so vividly in my mind! And B) I wish I knew how to put the parts of your story that I quote in my comments in italics.
Can't wait for more!
I use the brute force method by typing in the html commands for italics. So, how do I type this in so you can see?? Ok, try this without the spaces. html commands are enclosed by <>. "i" is italics, "b" is bold. then you use the same command with / preceding to signal the end.
so < i > (without the spaces) specifies begin italics.
then to end the part with italics specify < / i > (without the spaces)
< i > this part in italics < / i >
(again remember when you type do not put in the spaces in the <>)
You can try replying back to this to practice.
hope I did this right
YES!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!
Loved the first kiss rehearsal scene and I do wonder now if the actors rehearsed their kisses.
Wonderful chapter again!
I also like the flashback scenes to ATWT. There are so many levels and layers at work in the story.
They're really caught up in the mutual appreciation society, I'm kinda hoping that's going to settle down, so they can relate to each other as men.
I'm looking forward to their dinner date and to them interacting away from the stage.
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