Leda is from the Bordertown series, a series of novels and anthologies set in a city on the border between Earth and the Faery Realm.
-Is an elf. Therefore, large pointy ears, silver eyes, and her hair is naturally white, but she likes to dye if funky colors.
-Set to ascend the throne as queen of the elves once she graduates. Is determined not to let this go to her head.
-Is a recovering drug addict. As such, will not touch alcohol. But will supply Elven Wine upon request.
-Scared of the sea and some of the creepier of the creepy crawlies found therein.
-Is bi. And not put off by furry guys.
-She can do magic things! It's called evil kid And is pretty good with a knife. Also rides a motorcycle.
Tully Mars is from the novel A Salty Piece of Land by Jimmy Buffet.
-Is the keeper of the Fandom Island Lighthouse.
-Is hiring.
-Has a horse named Mr. Twain, and just finished restoring a sailboat.
-Though he is proud of his small art collection, if he offers to show it to you, he is hitting on you.
-Can shoot a gun and is a good shot, but is no action hero. He's far more fond of getting away from trouble than stopping it.
-Owes his life to a cranky gremlin.
Tim Desmond is from the novels Gnome Man's Land, Harpy High, and Unicorn U by Esther Freisner.
-Was once a wet behind the ears Fandom Newbie for the summer. Has recently returned. Well if you count last summer as recent.
-Just finished his sophomore year at Princeton.
-Is the manager of Android's Dungeon comic shop. They're hiring.
-Has saved the world twice.
-Has this nifty little magic sword that looks like it's made of crystal. It can do many things.
-Still maintains that babysitting the Mandel kids was scarier than Baba Yaga, Loki, Hell, and the worst Fandom has to offer put together.
Or an action figure, poor guy. William "Billy" Kessler is from the 1980's version of the G.I. Joe comic, which was continued in 2001.
-Is the son of Cobra Commander.
-Has been trained by several ninjas, including blind fighting. He also knows military stuff.
-Is dating Zartan's daughter.
-Has a patch over his right eye,and his left leg is artificial.
-Is soon to be a junior at Eckerd college, and currently a reserve member of G.I. Joe.
-Adopted member of the Arashikage Ninja Clan.
Daniel "Oz" Osbourn is from the tv series Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
-Lives in a zebra striped van down by the river! causeway.
-Works at Holiday Grove and Coyote Medicine
-Has raised taciturny and mellowness to an art form.
-Is a werewolf. He can keep from turning on the full moon if he keeps calm, but anytime (day or night) during the full moon cycle he gets too upset he'll turn. He has an enhanced sense of smell.
-Likes to busk on the corner. He plays bass.
-Is tiny. But mighty.
Robin the Frog is from the Muppet Show and various movies and specials.
-Is a talking frog. Not actually made of felt, or a puppet, but looks and feels just like that.
-Is really tiny. Sometimes he forgets this. Other times he's very sensitive about it.
-Is the cheerleading squad mascot.
-Plays the banjo and the guitar, sings, and acts.
-Loves extreme sports, adventure movies, romantic comedies, and female rockers.
-Really wishes people would stop freaking out upon meeting him. And I refer you now to
this post.
Or, the Mun. My name is Ben, and I live in the DC area of what is now called the United States of America.
-Is working for the census. Today someone accused me of trying to regulate who could and could not live in their house.
-Hopes one day to make a living as an actor.
-Loves spooky horror, sci-fi, fantasy and suchlike.
-Also likes to travel.
-Has been haunted from time to time by a ghostly cat.
-Has no sense of smell.