Fandom: Real People
You're my best friend: a love/friendship picspam
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This picspam is a challenge about emotion. And what is the best emotion ever? Love/friendship. Because yes, for me friendship is love. I hope the emotion will show through these pictures.
so... first : I don’t ‘‘ship’’ them if you know what I mean ! Their friendship is too beautiful to be ruined by this kind of idea
and second : I love these men. They are great actors, specially Heath… Gosh, I still miss him. I can’t imagine how hard it was and it is for his friends and family (thanks God, I don’t know yet this sort of experiences)
so, this picspam is a tribute for the love/friendship in general and above all friendship between these two guys
‘cause friends are the family you choose
-if you want to be in the ideal mood, listen this perfect
song for the picspam : Best Friend by The Drums-
Click to view
this sequence is golden ! the link
Venice photocall :
with Oprah :
here. they are cute ^^
I love these two pics. The first one : yeah, buddy! And the second one is exactly me with my boyfriend and his best friend… I (almost) disappear
just ignore the girl in the middle ;]
jake win BAFTA :
great quote: .
Jake about his time with Heath .
"I don't mean this in an unkind way, but I don't think it's anybody's business but his and mine. So in that sense, to really respect him - and
also the way he felt about his life and his private life and what he cared about, because he was a deeply caring and loving human being -
every time anybody asks me any question about him, it would be like he is sitting next to me, and I know he would roll his eyes, because
that's the way he was. It was between us."
the end
don't forget, comments = ♥