in case you didnt know, Bear is the sexiest being to have ever walked this earth. well except for yours truly of course. i dont know if its the fact that hes sexier than fabio, hes happy all the time, his inpenetrable sense of humor, or the stupid shit he says while playin tonsel hockey, but i just cant live with out that kid. I NEED HIS SEX NOW.-
boyboyboy[8:21 PM]: listen to me, in all of this world i never knew a girl of such beauty existed, and it pains me so that one who holds such beauty could be totally oblivious to her worth to the world, to me.
...that is by far the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.
lenny and i had lots of night :). we went to see the girl next door which was by all means amazing..then we got pizza, ate the whole thing and then uhm...the rest is kind of fuzzy.
'forget about hte things i said when i was drunk, i didn't mean to call you that. i dont remeber what was said or what you threw at me' i have this theory that if something feels right IN THAT MOMENT, do it. dont think about consequences or how things might turn out...because then your not really having fun. follow your gut instinct, its the only thing that makes life interesting...