Jun 14, 2005 02:01
today is my birthday and i have to share it with the flag :(
lol now i am 20
so therefore im old.
send me some birfday love :)
Apr 09, 2005 12:57
Sooooooo alexa played their cd relese lastnight. it was sweet. then MY CELL PHONE GOT GANKED!
NOW i have noone's numbers. so if you are reading my journal and i need your digits leave me your number. in a few days ill delete this entry so no one has to have their number up for everyone to see. my numbers the same but yeah.
Mar 25, 2005 07:59
an update
lastnight i hung out wif kaylay :) that was fun, nate came over and we got back rubs tehehe
then reality caught up to me and i was sad a little
but i dont have to go into work today
but i will at noon becaue it allows me to sleep in :)
and i might just sell a house
this was soooo fucking pointless
Mar 09, 2005 21:54
then from the doom and anguish came...
a decent night :)
im a lot happier now and :) :) :)
Mar 09, 2005 19:40
update: day 4 of shittiness
i dont wanna say why its been shitty. but it has been
ummmm... throwdown was sweet lastnight till i got the news :(
then all down hill.