[Relationships Post]

May 05, 2020 15:43

HOLY SHIT I FINISHED THIS There's a good chance I'm missing tons on here, so let me know if you'd like to be added! A comment here is fine, I guess.



◘ Fred Weasley [Original]; forgenotgred; Twin brother/Best friend; Lookalike and partner in crime, George will suffer from acute Twin Deprivation Syndrome if separated from Fred for more than a day or two. Fear them, Template, for your sanity is very much at risk.

◘ Molly Weasley [Original]; wobblesmolly; Mother; Although initially stunned to find his mum here, there's nothing like family to make you feel at home. Fancy that. He is also fearfully awaiting the arrival of the infamous Weasley Jumpers.


◘ Draco Malfoy [Original]; purelineage; Arrogant git; Same as always- annoying, obnoxious, and the most amazing wizard he's ever met on matters of ferret impersonation.

◘ Harry Potter [Template]; sonofasnape; Friend; Something is a little off about this Harry, but he's still Harry. Despite the strange idea that he seems to think both his father and Dumbledore to be alive, that is.

◘ James Potter [Original]; jokesteronhigh; Formerly deceased; Being used to the odd happenings in Template, it didn't even startle George to meet the apparently not-so-deceased James Potter. Still a lot like Harry, but a little less tense.

◘ Lily Evans [Original]; loveremaining; Formerly deceased; Same as above, only he hasn't spoken to her to really make a comparison to Harry.

◘ Narcissa Black [Original]; est_venustas; De-aged mother of a git; Like mother, like son-- or was it like father, like son... Either way, the resemblance in both appearance and behaviour is near frightening.

◘ Neville Longbottom [Original]; mustloveplants; Friend; Still the poor awkward bloke as always, babbling on about some battle at Hogwarts. Can't blame him, really, with the confusion and all.

◘ Remus Lupin [Original]; moonlitlunacy; De-aged acquaintance; Definitely more cautious in his youth than the others thus far, but still behaves much like his older self. Needs to better appreciate the meaning of good fun.

◘ Sirius Black [Original]; dogged_mischief; De-aged acquaintance; An interesting fellow, for sure. Not exactly sure what to make of him just yet.


◘ Aerith Gainsborough [Template]; ancientlilies; A kind and considerate soul that once helped the twins find their missing heads. Of course, their heads weren't actually missing, but it's a detail easily overlooked.

◘ Donatello [Original]; gearheadsupreme; The inspiration behind the Tasty Turtle Truffles. Fascinating that there can be a talking turtle round here.

◘ Fujino Asagami [Original]; twisted_lilac; A curious girl, whom often appears to be injured without noticing it. He met up with her again during the police shooting, but didn't bother asking if she had been responsible for the mangled cops (or what was left of them) lying only a few feet away.

◘ Gippal [Original]; epauletsrock; An amusing new fellow- bit too skeptical to really be useful (testing new products isn't easy, you know), but a challenge is always fun now and again.

◘ Ianto Jones [Original]; not_just_teaboy; Had an amusing argument about how best to welcome someone. He should try and be more trusting, honestly.

◘ Itsuki Tachibana [Original]; soul_remaining; A friend of Mio's; Quiet, probably shy. Nothing like a little excitement to bring out the outgoing side in him.

◘ Jack Harkness [Template]; captaininnuendo; Needs to work on her temper, else some poor innocent toilets are bound to suffer. She didn't seem to pleased about having hers require a riddle before being used, anyway.

◘ Jack Kelley [Original]; ambastardly; Far too gullible, and not particularily useful- at least when it comes to head hunting.

◘ Kafuka Fuura [Original]; onlyhappensontv; Happy enough, though her strange obsession with coloured royalty leaves much room for debate that this happiness actually be some sort of infectious disease.

◘ Luke Fon Fabre [Original]; rendingblast; Should learn the days of the week. Starting with how Wednesday comes before Saturday. Obviously. And what is so wrong with someone offering to help him cook? It wasn't as though George was going to poison the cake.

◘ Mary "Lady" Arkham [Original]; besatisfied; Not the most appreciative of magic, but then again, few here are. Shame she'd never ridden a flying motorbike beforehand.

◘ Mio Amakura [Original]; absentsymmetry; Almost an adoptive sister or... cousin. Actually, he still needs to come up with a proper title. The point being that she's become part of the metaphorical family- and a fellow twin, to boot. Hearing the story of how she was forced to kill her own sister has made George bound and determined to keep her smiling. Or he attempts to, anyway.

◘ Mugen [Original]; what_restraint; Should try and be friendlier. And spend less time out in the hail.

◘ Nataku [Template]; discardedwish; Still needs to find that school for educating the riddle impaired. Shame the school doesn't exist.

◘ Nero [Original]; devilbrought; Covemate- and not too bad, if you don't mind the silent treatment. Every day. Every hour. Every minute. Every... second.

◘ Nino [Original]; piousmage; A bit too naiive, but George isn't one to complain since there's immeasurable humour in having someone around that thinks it's possible to be alive whilst headless.

◘ Rinoa Heartilly [Original]; angeloath; Not as dimwitted as she acts- or, well, as dimwitted as he initially took her for, with the whole incident involving Canary Creams (honestly, a chicken?). A friend, if anything, and one that can plan excellent parties.

◘ Rufus Shinra [Template]; nolassiezfaire; He couldn't've asked for a more amusing housemate. So far, it's been noted that he likes order, rules, and cleanliness. All the better to teach him why all three of those are unnecessary.

◘ Skeith [Template]; thefirstphase; Didn't seem too bad at first. George can't exactly say he's fond of him after the incident with the Joker, though. It is noted that he's fun to bother, anyhow. Particularly with firecrackers.

◘ The Joker [Original]; super_sane; Has the dubious honour of being one of the few people he actually hates. Suffice to say, it isn't a hole lot of fun when one cuts off your ear and sends it to your brother. Got what was coming to him, which is all that matters in the end.

◘ Trish [Original]; lucenombra; The first troll he's met that wasn't downright hideous-- barring, of course, the fact that she isn't actually a troll. It's the sentiment that counts, really, and he rather enjoys her company. Fancies it at times, even.

◘ Vaysh [Original]; coldiceprincess; Tries far too hard to be antisocial. Meaning there are few things George enjoys more than testing that theory. It hasn't worked too well just yet.

◘ Vergil [Original]; dei_irati; A fellow that seems to be a twin as well- though he hasn't spotted his missing brother yet.

◘ Xigbar [Template]; shootingdown; The bane of all pumpkins.

◘ Yuuko Ichihara [Original]; only_hitsuzen; His oh-so-thoughtful and considerate covemate. With an emphasis on the thoughtful bit. It almost seems as though she hides the most important of the thoughts in questions, although he can't exactly explain why it seems so.

*relationships, *ooc

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