Title: Unchanging Skies
Pairing: Akanishi Jin x Kazuya Kamenashi //Akame//
Genre: Romance, AU
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in this story. I don't make profit with this.
Summary: It's the memory of a summer with fifteen, a love when they were sixteen that connects them for the rest of their lives. It's that whispered
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Comments 46
It was sad! happy! sad! and then happy again XDDD
loved it!
it was soo sweet~ the way they got together again :3 and how true love never dies nor changes~
thanks for sharing!
I am happy, however, I am really happy if you liked it and enjoyed this! ♥
Thank you so very much :)
This is so sweet and i love it so muchhh
I feel like i'm watching a movie
and you're still my fav author!
And, saying I was your fave author... that's just so nice, I am very happy for that! Thank you so, so, so very much ♥♥♥
Thank you!!
thank u & i'll always love u for this~
I am so, so happy you enjyoed this, too and that you liked the whole progress of the story!
Thanks so very much ♥♥♥
I encountered mixed emotions and ugh i can't find the perfect words to describe this awesome, *insert other good praises here* fic ♥
All the emotions ♥
Thank you for sharing this~ btw, i missed you /glomps
I am so happy you liked this and enjoyed the read! I was very insecure about submitting this fic >_<
*hugs tight* I am always happy to see you (and your Maru icon xP) around. I missed you, so, I am very happy you didn't get tired of me already!
Thank you so much ♥♥♥
most esp when you're one of the people who help me stay in this ship lol xDD
ilu~ ♥
When Kame had came to Sapporo to see Akanishi's concert oand Akanishi had seen him, I think: Yeah, the fic would end, they made-up and happy ending would perfect. But you didn't make like I thought. T_____T
You made them suffer more 5 years.
But I love the ending. I love the way you describe the feelings of your characters. I love the way you drive me curious about the plot.
Thank you very much for this fic.
I really, really like it. Love will find its way into lover's hearts.
It would have been easy to make them meet at that point, but, instead, I decided to let them suffer for a little longer v.v
It was so long that Jin didn't even recognise Kazuya, when they finally met again! *sigh*
But, I am very happy you liked the ending and the whole plot!
Thank you so much ♥
That's a nice thing to say and I am sure it's just the way you say.
Thanks so, so very much ♥♥♥
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