Title: Unchanging Skies
Pairing: Akanishi Jin x Kazuya Kamenashi //Akame//
Genre: Romance, AU
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in this story. I don't make profit with this.
Summary: It's the memory of a summer with fifteen, a love when they were sixteen that connects them for the rest of their lives. It's that whispered
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Comments 46
That's the thing about memories... the more e treasure them, the more beautiful they get in our mind... but some memories really are just beautiful!
Thanks so much for your very kind words, I am very happy this could touch you.
Thank you so, so very much ♥♥♥
Thanks so very much ♥
Thank you so much for reading, I am very happy you liked it and could enjoy this ♥
Thank you so very much ♥♥♥
This story had a really gentle feel to me. It vaguely made me think of Tatta Hitotsu no Koi (have you seen that drama? Kame is amazing in it!). Anyways, again, I really loved this story! It made me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside :]
Aw, good old times :D i did watch Tatta Hitotsu no Koi!! It's been a while ago, but i really liked it so much ♥
Thanks so much, I am really happy if you liked it and if it could touch you in a way!
Thank you so very much!
You totally turned my akame-mood back on. ♥♥♥
Aaah, it was so frustrating to read them being sort of so close to each other but never managing to meet. ;; this fic is purely amazing. ♥ but it was no surprise, all of your fics have been awesome.
And you know, the club where Pi took Tatsuya and Kame.... it sounded so much like Lex. o_o when you described it, i saw Lex in my head. XD (do you know the club, Lex?)
Thanks for this fic. ♥
Haha, did it sound like lex? I know of that club, yes, but that was long, long ago! It's funny, though, that my description sounds like it so much, apparently.
Thanks a lot for reading and commenting, I am really happy you liked it! :) ♥
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