Instead of getting angry about nuclear power and ranting at all of you guys, for once, I'm just going to link to
a note (in French) by Dominique Voynet that's particularly articulate, I think.
I also want to link to all
these photos from the aftermath of the tsunami/earthquake in Japan; they're awesome and incredible (both in the original sense of
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Comments 9
Japan... Seeing the devastation there is so heart-wrenching. :( Mother Nature's a force to be reckoned with, which we often forget. And to have the man-made hazards of nuclear fallout on top of it all makes it even worse. :(
I wish I had time to translate it properly for you into French! Although it does speak more to France and its obsession with nuclear power than to many other nations, so you're not missing out on too much :)
Last week, I learned that 80% of our energy comes from nuclear power. 80%! It sort of left me wondering how did we come to that? I have no answer. And I feel powerless.
Those pictures are terrifying. And yet, we won't send help, cause you know, it's a civilized country, so they can take care of themselves, right. I actually heard that.
I read the slut-shaming article. The only thing I'm left wondering is did that happen when I was 11? Feels like these days kids are growing up really fast.
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