Hello everyone. I am just writing to say hey i guess. Never really see anyone just wanted to see how everyones life is going. Mine is going ok i am getting married believe it or not. bet you would never guess someone would marry a guy like me. you must be thinking who would be stupid enough rght? well i just wanted to say hey so hey!
What's up everyone? Not much here just chillin in chicago. How is everyone? if you got any qustions just ask or call my cell 7056-537-5374. but i got to g i will hollar back later!!!!!1
Well everything is going good on my side of town. It is pretty cold but good. Not up to anything but work right now. I hope everyone is having a good break! Hope to catch yall next semester.
Well this day wasnt that bad. I am going to be pretty bored tommorow cause i have no work or school. School was pretty good today. I got a massage or two it felt wonderful i never felt so relaxed. Nothing interesting happened other than that so this entry must be pretty boring. Sorry.