Aug 20, 2005 23:49
My fucking parents are so gay. My mom yelled at me to clean out my SISTERS room. WTF. o well i got a myspace check it out
Aug 18, 2005 23:15
1st hour- Math- Wagner
2nd hour- French Durasevic
3rd hour- Honors Chem Macksoud
4th hour- English Sobota
5th hour- US History McCallumore
6th hour- Symphonic Band Casteel
"B" lunch
comment iur in any of classes
Aug 18, 2005 22:55
TODAY I GOT MY PERMIT. WWOOOOOOOOOOO stay off th roads. Thn i went walking around with theresa nicole sarah and whole bunch of pp funfunfun. THERESA SMILE
Aug 16, 2005 20:40
Today i wewnt driving agan wth brian at 7 in the morning. Then weni got hme i had a meeting with the pastor from my church ZZZZZZZZZZ....... Then n, steve, and jake came over and we played Halo2 I was the best. :-)
Aug 15, 2005 20:30
Tody was kool. I went driving with brian for the first time. Brian is a lot beter than me. On the way bak to ace i did a nice curb job but thank fully i didnt dent anything. After that i tor apart th remianing funiture inmegans room. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. TOMOROW THE ROOM IS MINE. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Aug 14, 2005 21:35
Today was fun. I ddnt have to goto churc soi got to sleep til 1 YES. Later i went to the pineos an kick ASS in darts and pool. I wasnt doin to good in cards. :-P DRIVING TOMOROW WTH BEERYAN WOOOOOOOOO 7 in the morning bbbbboooooooo
Aug 13, 2005 23:33
Aug 13, 2005 21:53
today was the state fair and it was kool. we marched around and then i ate. turns out that girls r afrid of popeye and megan is scared to death of giant penguins. LMAO. IM DRIVING ON MONDAY WOOOOO stay off the roads.
Aug 06, 2005 23:02
Today was shit. I went to help with nick watts' eagle project. We were buildin benches for port hope rec centr. ZZZZZZZZZZZ boring as hell. The i had to go home and pack for band camp funfun.
Aug 05, 2005 22:31
Today was the las day of band camp. WOOOOOO. On the ride home theresa keep beating theshit out of me in the car with some bottle bc she was super pissed butwouldnt sa y.
After i got ome my dad took me to get new mb pants, shoes, and bby blue clothes for section prideday at CMU.