Title: Dangerous Fandom: The Hobbit Pairing: Thorin/OMC Rating: NC-17 Warnings: I don't beta or spell check... sorry... If a mistake is just too funny, feel free to comment so I can fix it. ;) Author's note: Prompt fill from here & Plot? Who needs plot? I'm here for the smut :3 Thorin is being incredibly OOC!!!
Well yeah, once again I have been terribly inactive. I apologies to all of you on my friend list for not visiting your journal. I have lurked around from time to time but had very little time to comment or truly invest myself
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Hell yeah!!!! My favorite werewolf/vampire movie franchise is back!!!! And it looks promising! Please god, may this mark the end of the sick, cheap, tasteless, sin against reason that was called "twilight
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