Jan 09, 2004 23:40
the only smart thing jay leno has ever said
"it's like pizza; even bad pizza is pizza."
Jan 09, 2004 18:28
tyra banks comes out with a song and video next month! its called shake ya booty hahah i cant wait.
also, i feel bad for kids. the #1 boys name is aiden and the #1 girls name is madison. i guess aiden isnt terrible if you want your boy to be lame but madison? it means "son of matthew" wow parents good meaning for your daughter.
Jan 09, 2004 14:55
so i went to the bookstore and it was closed already. at 230? jeez. in other news, teddy loves vegetables!
Jan 07, 2004 20:18
someone better start explaining. generally i dont hate hockey. but the fact that its on and the simple life is supposed to be. theres no excuse!
that 70's show and the simple life are on at 11 and 1130 rather than 8 and 830 tonight
Jan 07, 2004 18:57
for chemistry it says i should have a breakage card, goggles and a combination pad lock for the first class. does anyone know what the heck a breakage card is?
Jan 06, 2004 23:05
this real world is sweet i cant wait till the episode they showed on the previews when brad gets arrested and jacquese chants "free brad!"
Jan 06, 2004 00:18
now that its past midnight
happy 21st birthday ryan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jan 03, 2004 13:35
well.... i guess that we didnt find a good hiding spot for our extra house key... considering my 5 year old neighbor just stole it.
Jan 03, 2004 13:32
man lj is the worst. its one thing if people dont care about sounding sweet like me. hehe. like i obviously am not writing in real sentences and stuff... but when people try to and do a bad job of it is the worst. i cant help that it annoys me. i'll just give one tip. the words "they" or "them" can not refer to one person. i'm bored!