Aug 03, 2010 21:56
I continue to exist, much to the shagrin of my enemies. And that's the best part. Enough, for now--I have better things to do. It's almost time for Kevin to arrive back, and I'd like to have dinner ready for the tired boy. And I do have a feeling Mir is due for a visit. Now that's a fine feeling. That is all.
Dec 04, 2002 14:46
I smoke nothing but the finest pipeweed from the South Farthing. It makes spending time with these inbred midgets all worthwhile. And who needs a palantir when you've got a nice supply of Old Toby and datalounge to catch up on. Good day to you all.
Nov 17, 2002 20:58
One month until I get my makeover. I can hardly wait!
How I do miss hair care products!
I smoke to forget the knots in my hair. ~lights up~ That's better.