[Community Post] FAQ

Sep 25, 2005 17:23

In addition to the FAQ please make sure to familiarize yourself with the rules.

FAQ - The Community

01. I'm new! Where can I introduce myself at?
If you are new to the community/show and would like to introduce yourself please use this post.

02. Why is the community on full time moderation? When will my post be approved?
The community is currently on full time moderation so we can make sure only the posts that do not break any rules get through. All posts must be approved or rejected by a moderator. Any post related to Grey's Anatomy that does not break any rules will be approved as soon as one of the moderators is available to approve it. If you are waiting for a post to be approved please be patient and do not repost it - reposting it will only create more work for the moderators.

03. My post was not approved! Why?
Any post that is deleted falls into one of the following categories:
A) You did not follow the rules.
B) Your post had nothing to do with Grey's Anatomy (whether it be the show or the cast).
C) Your post had inappropriate content. Please keep your language clean.
D) You were asking something that is easily found via this page or our show FAQ. Please check the FAQ before asking a common question.
If you post something that is not approved to the community the moderator will make a note as to why your post was rejected when it's rejected. Please read the email livejournal sends you - we promise you'll see the reason it was rejected there.

04. My comment was deleted! Why?
Comments are deleted if a moderator feels that it is either rude/inappropriate or does not follow the rules. Moderators will typically leave a comment before it's deleted so that the poster knows why.

05. Why is there only one post per episode?
We only allow one post per episode to keep everything organized. :) If we let every member post directly to the community with their thoughts on each episode we would have a lot of posts for one episode. By allowing only one post per episode we give members one central place to discuss the episode. We will start approving posts related to each episode 3 days after it has aired. Please note that all posts for up to a week after the original airing must be LJ cut.

06. What happens if a member breaks a rule?
Those members who are only here as 'trolls' will be banned from the community. For example, if someone joins the community only to try and cause drama within they will find themselves banned. Otherwise, most rule violations will just be given a warning/reminder of the rule.

07. A post I made isn't in the memories tags section. Why?
We no longer use the "memories" feature. All posts are now tagged. You can view them here. We went through all previous posts and tagged those we thought should be easily found. We also try and tag all new entries within a few days of them being posted.

08. Why can't we post icons here?
We ran two polls recently regarding graphics & polls. The majority of the members did not wish to allow icons posted directly here. As a compromise, we will weekly do an icon promotion thread here. If you make icons and wish to have them promoted please see this post.

09. Are you looking for any moderators?
We're currently not looking for additional moderators for the community. If and when this changes we'll make a post to announce it and allow those interested to apply.

10. Can I advertise a new community or website related to Grey's Anatomy?
Please see this post for information on promotion.

11. Can I make a request for graphics or where to find a certain photo?
All requests need to be posted here. Icon requests should be posted at ga_icons (in their request thread).

FAQ - The Show

01. When is Grey's Anatomy on?
Grey's Anatomy is on Thursday at 9/8c on ABC.

02. Who are the actors in it?
The actors on contract are: Chandra Wilson, Ellen Pompeo, Eric Dane, Isaiah Washington, James Pickens Jr., Justin Chambers, Kate Walsh, Katherine Heigl, Patrick Dempsey, Sandra Oh, Sara Ramirez, and T.R. Knight.

03. Is [Insert Actor] in that movie I just saw?
The best place to find this out is by checking Internet Movie Database. If it's not listed, the answer's most likely no.

04. Oh no! I missed this week's episode! Can someone please tell me what happened?
ABC posts recaps of every episode at the official site. Additionally, you can view the episode for free at ABC for a week after it's aired. Episodes are also available via ITunes.

05. Where can I find the list of song for [episode name]?
You can find the list of songs for each episode at the official site or check out greysradio.

FAQ - Episodes, Screencaps, Communities! Oh My!

01. Where can I download [episode name]?
You can view each episode for up to a week after it's airing at ABC.com. Episodes can be downloaded via ITunes for $1.99 an episode.

02. Where can I find episode screen caps?
cap_it, dj_capslock, or StripedWall. You can also check the screencaps posted at this community.

03. Where can I find the community/links for [blahblah]?
Check out this post which contains an updated list of GA related communities & websites.

04. Where can I find spoilers for upcoming episodes?
Try SpoilerFix.com.

If you have any question(s) on the above or about the community, please leave a comment in this post.

community: community info, info: faq

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