Just a reminder that Mika has MOVED from this LJ to a new one that is a permanent account (nifty huh? I did shelve out the $150 for the permanent account!)
Just another reminder to go and add jelloish_ and remove this journal. jelloish_ is my new permanent account and I won't be using this one anymore. So... GO ADD IT! I've already added you!
Say goodbye to greyskymornings and say hello to jelloish_. Because I'm a complete loser and got myself a permanent account since I can't buy anything else with the money I'm earning currently or lest it go to waste! (clothes, shoes, music, movies & home stuff are up my alley at the moment)
I hate when I become jealous. I'm more fortunate in certain areas than most others, but that still doesn't keep me from wanting everything they have that I don't. I can be really greedy and jealous and I hate it. Then I become a bitch and start getting in a pissy mood.
The one attribute about myself that I've hated longest... ick :(
Things you enjoy, even when no one around you wants to go out and play. What lowers your stress/blood pressure/anxiety level? Make a list, post it to your journal... and then tag 5 friends and ask them to post it to theirs
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We went to Fry's to buy an ethernet card because we got DSL and ended up buying a new flatscreen monitor (HELLOOOOOOO space!) and an all-in-one printer/scanner/copier. I have 2 weeks left in which to use these new spiffy gadgets. Perhaps I'll print out some nice digital photos I have here and stick them in my photo albums.