Mar 27, 2005 01:18
Today there is an alarming absence of people.
The youth fall from Wednesdays high.
Students are rioting in the streets.
No one leave your houses.
50 percent of students end up in the zoos
Acting like animals.
It's disgusting that they are like this.
The city has gone to Hell now!
Everyone is burning!
Everyone is hurting!
This is the story of the
Jan 23, 2005 22:22
To tell the truth, it damn near killed me.
I'm not joshing,but it thrilled me.
The adrenaline rushing through me,
The excitement was getting to me.
In the middle it was getting in,
Paranoia was setting in.
In the end it was a riot,
But we had to stay quiet.
I'm saying this:"You still kill me",
and the fun? She still thrills me.
Dec 25, 2004 23:03
Happy holidays one and all,
Have a wonderful day.
May your Christmas be so wonderful,
and also very gay.
And have a happy Hanukkah,
And a happy Kwanzaa, here.
May you Yule be great,
and have a happy new year.
Dec 13, 2004 22:23
Hello dear,
What's your name?
Who do you fear,
What's your claim to fame?
Are you alone,
Or with a group?
Are you a clone?
Tell me the scoop.
Don't tell a lie.
Was it no good?
Did you get a high,
Right where you stood?
Well, good-bye dear,
It was good fun.
I know what you fear.
I'm glad that we're done.
Nov 02, 2004 23:18
I quote the raven,
Yes I do.
I quote the raven,
How 'bout you.
I quote the raven,
At my door.
To quoth the raven,
I quote the poet,
I quote his works.
I know his faults,
I know his quirks.
Poets come
And poets go.
None quite like
Edgar Allen Poe.
Sep 13, 2004 23:35
I need to get away,
To clear my weary head.
I need to get away,
This place seems so dead.
What I say is never heard,
Or taken for consideration.
I need to leave this house,
For future preperation.
I know that when I'm gone,
I'll be listened to then.
To bad for those who will listen,
There will be no one to tell them.