Ok last night I stumpled upon SNL and there were only two things that made me laugh (and by laugh i mean giggle a little)...aka why I turned it off. The first was a Food Network Promo that said "Food Network..Like ESPN for Fatties
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Guess what! I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. You know I really wish I had more to write about in this journal. That would mean my life is more exciting than it actually is. Things have been improving tho since I made full time in the Pharmacy. That Cashier job sucked so much ass. Hopefully me and Jonas will be able to afford moving
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Guess what. I'm still alive. Hehe. I know you were wondering since I haven't updated in forever. Hehe. Ok well I'm back with a review of the movie that Mom, Jonas, and I watched tonight, Night of the Hunter
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Frankenstein - was an excellent film. It captured the spirit and atmosphere of Mary Shelley's novel perfectly. The mood and setting were just right for this creepy tale of life and death. And it was shot incredibly well by James Whale. Boris Karloff couldn't have been better in one of his first roles as the monster, which made him well known by
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