From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) [web1913]: 4. The application of skill to the production of the beautiful by imitation or design, or an occupation in which skill is so employed, as in painting and sculpture; one of the fine arts; as, he prefers art to literatureI know you dont want to hear this, and i know that you dont like eminem, however, myself being one that writes LOTS of poetry and lots of lyrics and etc....Eminem is VERY talented at what he does. He doesn't "speak" to me, but i cannot deny the fact that he is simply amazing at what he does. His lyrics are poetry and his rhymes are amazingly intricate, I have gone over them with a fine tooth comb many times. Virtually everyone of his rhymes is a double or triple rhyme and he uses alliteration, connosance, assonance, and all these other rhyming methods. I dont like his lyrics, but I admire his skill
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I believe that...I guess i;m asking too does anybody think britney spears is art? i think she is simply an entertainer but is she an artist? I've heard many people say Eminem is very artistic to them so that is totally rad i suppose i was judging him a bit by his lyrics b/c i completely disagree with them....once again i've never really heard his actual lyrics so sorry about that i def. passed judgment on something i hadn't really studied which doesn't need to become a habit for me. And there i was saying nobody had a reason or the authority to pass judgment on art so my bad ..perhaps art is determined as art and then people have personal preferences about which art is more ....yea that's not cool art should be appreciated as pure thought and emotion and skill combined...i totally agree that skateboarding and photography and all the rest is art and you are awesome bense!
i agree with you about miss spears. My brother minored in recording engineering and he listens to all kinds of music just so he can hear the producing behind it. Britney Spears is not an artist. She's a performer, and she's the perfect example of a "musician" who had everything handed to her. Behind Britney Spears are talented producers, composers and writers. If it wasn't for them, she would not be what she is today. I understand why you'd think that of Eminem, and believe me, it's hard to not think what you thought of him through the messages that he sends through his lyrics. And guess what else Brit?!? YOU ARE AWESOME TOO!!!!
Comments 3
4. The application of skill to the production of the
beautiful by imitation or design, or an occupation in
which skill is so employed, as in painting and sculpture;
one of the fine arts; as, he prefers art to literatureI know you dont want to hear this, and i know that you dont like eminem, however, myself being one that writes LOTS of poetry and lots of lyrics and etc....Eminem is VERY talented at what he does. He doesn't "speak" to me, but i cannot deny the fact that he is simply amazing at what he does. His lyrics are poetry and his rhymes are amazingly intricate, I have gone over them with a fine tooth comb many times. Virtually everyone of his rhymes is a double or triple rhyme and he uses alliteration, connosance, assonance, and all these other rhyming methods. I dont like his lyrics, but I admire his skill ( ... )
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