Vancon 2010 :: Autographs
link to Vancon 2010 Master Post)
I decided to stick with the
previous series of images I did for last year's Vancon and created some new ones for the guests for Vancon 2010.
above :: I think Samantha is one of the guests I've seen most often at these cons (other than the Js of course.) I love this image of Mary from DSoTM.
above :: Matt
above :: Cannot wait to see Rob.
above :: Katherine's auto comes with my ticket.
above :: I don't have a Demore autograph and haven't yet decided if I will buy one.
above :: I don't yet have an autograph for Brock. I may not buy one. But just in case.
above :: since I didn't pay extra for Richard's autograph at Vancon 2009, I still have this image I did back then that I will have him sign this time.
above :: I'm going to have Misha sign my LACon 2009 photo op with him.
above :: and I will have Aldis sign my Vancon 2009 photo op with him.
above :: I don't even have this one printed as I did not intend to make or pay for an autograph. However, it just felt weird not to have one. (OMG, does this mean I need to make one now for Clif???)
above :: yes I did Tiny! At the very, very last minute mind you... Likely will not spring for the auto, but still.
Now I need to decide what to have the boys sign. I still have last year's image that I didn't have them sign since they signed my Chicon 2008 photo op instead.
Earlier this month I posted about some other options I was considering as well. I think it's between this image above, or a 4x4 inch laminated card I made using these two images below that I made from some photos that wolfpup2000 took (at LAcon 2010 I think). I put Jared on one side and Jensen on the other and then laminated it.