This happened to me again (I think maybe their QC's gone down hill as their subscriber count has gone up), sending me Apocalypto instead of Swordfish, so I went through the motions to say "that's not what I asked for, you goons".
Back then,
jminnis suggested, 'I suspect that we both selected what is meant to be "right disc, wrong sleeve" instead of selecting "you sent me the wrong thing", which includes "wrong disc, right sleeve". Bad UI, no biscuit!'
He's right, there are two options:
- "The DVD is not what I ordered" (jminnis's "you sent me the wrong thing"; I read this to be "wrong envelope and wrong DVD, just wrong all around", but it's what I chose this time),
- and, "The white sleeve and DVD don't match" (jminnis's "right disc, wrong sleeve", which I read to apply just as much to "wrong disc, right sleeve", which I think has got to be the far more common case, since the bar code for processing and then redistributing NF DVDs is on the sleeve, not the disc)
I didn't actually have a lot of hope in getting the "it's unplayable send me another one right now" immediate dispatch, but I went ahead and tried the first of those (I used the second before). Sure enough, doing so gets you exactly the same result:
Thank You for Reporting the Problem
- Please return the DVD and sleeve in its postage-paid mailer.
- To reorder the movie, place the correct movie back in Your Queue in the first position. We will ship you the next available copy.
No further action is required.
Which, as I stated before, is bullshit: this doesn't remove it from your queue, it's still listed as being "at home", so you can't "place the correct movie back in Your Queue in the first position" because the interface won't let you have a movie on your queue twice (or at home and also on your queue).
Still lame! Fuck you, guys!