From the fracas of a certain OBHWF Shipper, in regarding to certain icons, I though I would document the various laughter worthy times that they erm had SQ Hate. Just Because.
All of London are in our thoughts. The thought of bombs on the subway is really a horrible nightmare. But at least the Londoners aren't really showing the terror, that the terrorists so desire.
So anyways while I know it's not the real thing, you guys now have a drawing of me, and it does resemble me, though I look slightly older, and the eye and hair coloring are slightly off.
First of all one of my favorite fics on the Quill Theowyny's Harry Potter and the Enemy Within, was NiffledI also used our pool for the first time this season. We were delayed in opening it for the summer for various reasons this year. There was some kind of leek in the pipes, that had to be fixed, and it took a while for them to come, and
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