The barbeque was made of steel and there was rust and moss all over the bottom of the inside where the coals were supposed to go. There was only a small amount of rainwater in it because despite the gloomy weather forecast the day before there had not been a great deal of rain during the afternoon. However the threat held menace for the two hosts
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Lusty browned and featful, with foot tugging pride he enters. Brass handle flips up - some sloven artisan, half-cocked Hephaestus, inverted it and slapped it on. Do well to remember that
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It's the best news I've heard in some time. The eXile is probably the best English language Moscow-based spiritual schizocolloid of Private Eye and Rolling Stone with the who-gives-a-fuck outlook that New Russia seems to engender that has ever been produced in the entire world. Or until recently, it was
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