Apr 27, 2011 04:15
- 20:33:58: All well and good that Nook COLOR gets an update, but what about Nook Classic? Is it now the redhead stepchild? #Nook
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Apr 26, 2011 04:15
- 18:06:13: Well, Crash has done it once more, not her fault, idiot (maybe drunk) ran a red and *bam* truck is no more.
- 18:07:35: so. That makes 2 kids, in 2 wrecks, in 2 weeks. Is something out 2 get us or wht? Scary Spice's car is fixable, Crash's not so much.
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Apr 22, 2011 04:14
- 10:32:41: is annoyed with @SmartSourceCpns, instead of coupons I got three full color page ads, thanks for wasting time AND INK! #smartsourcecpns
- 15:06:10: is trying to talk herself into getting this Tee shirt...
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Apr 21, 2011 04:14
- 05:36:23: I think I have morning sickness. Yup I'm up and I'm sick of it already.
- 18:29:20: is multi-tasking. Watching TV and Facebooking.
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Apr 17, 2011 04:14
- 08:51:38: would pay big money for a self cleaning home...
- 08:56:02: @ mlewys Yay for bed & books! Hope it feels better soon... unless of course you can take time off work, in which case not too soon! LOL
- 08:56:36: RT @MisaBuckley: SEVEN DAYS UNTIL NEW WHO! (YAY!! In America no less! LOL)
- 09:00:12: Happy 122nd birthday to Charlie Chaplin, go to
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Apr 16, 2011 04:14
- 21:35:32: @ mlewys I once sprained mine, standing still, bending over to life the baby off the couch. Evidently ankles do it on their own!
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Apr 14, 2011 04:14
- 05:18:23: is upright and has coffee in hand. This is a good sign!
- 12:38:14: @ BHNInsider thanks for checking in, everything seems fine for now, hopefully issue was finally resloved.
- 12:54:43: Jon Kyl has an irrational fear of belly button lint #NotIntendedToBeAFactualStatement
- 13:00:20: RT @everythingis: "I just Jon Kyled you" - Using false
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