yep...and this is my update....popular to contrary beliefs, I didn't fall off the face of the earth...I'm still here....anywho...summer is going to be hella boring, but it's going to be a lot better than being in Indiana, that's for sure....anywho, I may write a wee bit more to see some "old friends"
heya everyone...Three more days then I travel back to the homeland of Indiana...woohoo...haha...anywho...hope everyone's having a great break/Christmas yadayadayada....welp...that's all for me right now
have a happy holiday season! take care, -Amber Grace
I got a new's gonna be greatness! I'm gonna be a DJ at the campus radio station...probably 8-10pm Monday-Friday. I'm looking forward to it. I was on air tonight from 11:30-12...oh well.....when I start, give me a listen!