Title: The Coffee Machine. Author: garcia_xxx Disclaimer: I do not in any ways own them. Rating: R Character(s)/Pairing(s): Amir Blumenfeld/Jake Hurwitz Warnings: a little bit of kissing. that's all. Summary: Jake and Amir stay late at work.
Hello, everyone! Long time lurker and dedicated fan of this comm. Just popped in to tell you all I've just finished a 20k long Jake/Amir fic, which you can read at my journal. I've tried posting it here three times without any luck, so I just figured I'd give you a heads-up and a bit of information about it. It's called "Freaky Friday", it's very
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I just joined and I've pretty much read through every fanfic posted here. Awkward laughter. So! I'm super stoked to join and start sharing! ^^ Also, I'm mostly obsessed with their podcast and shipping IRL Jake/Amir more than their show personas, but still love them! :D Also, Amir and Ben is totes hot. And anything Pat is lovely. Well, that's a
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Just joined this comm, nice to meet you all. :) Wanted to let everyone know that although I myself don't write fan fiction anymore, if anyone needs tips on writing smut, a beta/editor, an idea mule, or anything of the sort, please let me know. -Edward