★ Name: Maggie
★ Age: 21
★ Gender: Female, last I checked
★ Likes: Reading, writing, drawing, music, history, theatre, horses/horseback riding, fencing, archery, anime/manga, video games, sunny days, thunderstorms (except when I'm caught out in them without an umbrella ><), travel, meeting new people, teasing my friends, super campy movies/anime/stuff in general, chocolate, cosplay, basil, fangirling with my girlfriends, pretty boys in giant robots
★ Dislikes: Math, cold weather, being sick, bullies, cruelty, close minded people, having to ask for help on something, idiots, clinginess, people who pry/try to get me to open up when I really don't want to, brussel sprouts
★ Hobbies, Interests, Talents: Horseback riding, singing, voice acting, cosplay, reading, doodling/drawing, dodging personal questions, making AMVs, playing video games, writing stories, scaring my friends when I randomly start sounding like a 13 year old boy
★ Describe yourself in three words: Reserved, friendly, creative
★ Strong Points: Good sense of humor, laid back (mostly, I do have my crazy hyper moments though), loyal, friendly even though I apparently don't always appear that way at first, thick skin (figuratively speaking lol), stubborn, creative, intelligent
★ Weak Points: Although I act calm/laid back, I'm actually a very emotional person (I just keep pretty much everything bottled up), have a very hard time opening up to people, stubborn, in the off chance you do manage to make me lose my temper the generally recommended course of action is "build a bomb shelter"(one of my friends once said it was like watching unholy wrath), not all that confident in myself, apparently don't take things seriously enough, kryptonite
★ Fears: Being unable to protect/losing the people I care about, small dark spaces (I was claustrophobic as a child)
★ Goals in Life: Live a good life, protect the people I care about, get a book published, travel more, and when it's my time to go hopefully I'll go out with style. Or a bang. I can settle for a bang.
★ How do you perceive yourself? Uhhhh...I'm me? I really suck at questions like this. Whenever people ask me to tell them about myself, I tend to just stare at them blankly.
★ How do people perceive you? I hear the word "cool" tossed around a good bit. It often turns into some variation on "You know you're nuts, right?" once people really get to know me. Or in the case of my ex-boyfriend, "snarky bastard". And to think I broke up with the guy. xD
★ What does "Trust" mean to you? I've never really thought about it, but I guess it means...I dunno. The word "family" keeps popping to mind.
★ Describe your personality: *sigh* I just said I'm bad at this sort of thing, didn't I? Well, according to Meyers-Briggs, I'm an INFP, although I'm almost 50-50 on the introvert/extrovert bit. Basically it means I tend to get my energy from within, I rely more on intuition than logic, I'm driven by my emotions, and I'm impulsive.
★ If you have lost everything and everyone you love, what would you do? Worst case scenario? I'd pull a Quatre and go completely apesh--. Most likely though, I'd continue living, but emotionally I'd completely close myself off from others. I'm a very emotional person, and very driven by my emotions, but I'm also very timid with them. It takes me a really long time to open up to people (if I ever do at all), and so when I lose something/someone I care about the hurt goes very deep. Which usually leads to me going "Forget it, I can't handle this happening again" and retreating back into my proverbial shell.
★ Are you a Leader or a Follower? I'm more of a loner. Not anti-social, just...a loner.^^'' I'm not that good a leader really (although I keep ending up in that position for whatever bizarre reason), and I'm not all that fond of following. I just like meandering to be beat of my own kazoo.
★ Are you optimistic or Pessimistic? Optimistic. Although it's sometimes a sort of...dark optimism? For example, when my roommate was talking about how the really nice/good looking guys are always gay or taken, I gleefully chimed in with "Or both!".
★ What is your general Mood? Hungry. I think I have a black hole for a stomach.
★ Favorite Character and why? Oh gosh, hard choice. Probably Allelujah/Hallelujah. I love Allelujah because he's such a sweetheart, but he's not a pushover. And I love Hallelujah because...well, because he's Hallelujah. Tieria's probably my other favorite, even though I despised him when I first started watching Gundam 00 (season 2 was when I really started liking him). I also really like Marina, probably because I can't help but have a lot of respect for her character.
★ Least Favorite Character and why? Ugh, Wang Liu Mei. Haaaaated her. Arrogant little prick...
★ Favorite Mobile Suit? Hands down, Dynamus. It's actually probably my favorite Mobile Suit from any Gundam series.
★ Least Favorite Mobile Suit? I guess Soma's pink one from season 1. I mean, seriously? A pink mobile suit? It's not as bad as the Noble Gundam from G Gundam, but still.
* Would you join Celestial Being? (please explain what you think their motives are if yes) I don't know. In all honesty, I'd be more likely to support Marina in some way. While I accept that sometimes fighting is necessary, I also believe that violence only begets more violence, so I can't say I really agree with how Celestial Being does things. *shrug* But I guess I'd consider it if they came to me. I dunno why they would though. xD
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My wisheso2)
over theo3)
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Pink hairNot pink hair and glasses★ Anything Else? Posting on dying rating communities is what I do. lol