You know, after compiling this, I realised that Tseng needs to get out a lot more. 8(
Current as of 6 Jan 2010
Rufus Shinra [Not currently in play] - whose word is law.
Fellow Turks, aka substitute family
- Reno
riotinstereo - de facto second in command, although the way he and Tseng are at each other's throats all the time, you'd never have suspected it.
- Elena
blonde_neophyte - obligatory rookie; Tseng tends to have a rather strong protective streak towards her.
- Aerith Gainsborough [Not currently in play] - love interest, vaguely. Even though he knows that it'll never work.
- Zack Fair
existenta - They get along, sorta. Except where it comes to fighting over Aerith.
Cautiously friendly
- Dai
redeify - Tseng believes him to be the stronger alternative to Caim, and they need all the help they can get. There's no love lost there, but alliances can be built on mutual usefulness.
- Gamma
blackfoxed - Tseng would love to punch him just because Gamma reminds him of someone he can't stand. But Gamma makes a great drinking buddy.
- Angeal Hewley
divigate - Tseng would like to hope that they're on the same side. Maybe.
- Yuffie Kisaragi
zerostealth - Former enemy and princess of Tseng's homeland. There's a dilemma.
- Smoker
brandedjustice - They might have spoken once or twice. Tseng suspects his motives as a powergrab.
- Caim
undeify - Tseng doesn't hate him, he just thinks he's useless.
- Fallon
deifies - They met in Nifelheim. Pity Tseng doesn't remember it.
I stabbity j00
- Sephiroth
son_of_calamity - A stab for a stab makes the whole world gutless. Tseng isn't about to forget the stabbings, and isn't about to trust Sephiroth not to pull a crazy even when he seems sane.
- Kadaj
revivingruin - All the worst bits of Sephiroth + extra whine. D8
- Yazoo
velveteen_shaft - Happy torturing times are hard to forget.
People that the mun has forgotten
Ah, um. Remind me? :D;