Okay everyone, I'm moving again. I got tired of 'guuuu', didn't make any connections with me, so I made a new LJ name, hopefully the last one ever. But that's not likely.
-The Lazarus Project 100% -Blue Pills: A Positive Love Story 100% -Fancy Beasts; Poetry 100% -Vita: A Novel 80% -No One Writes to the Colonel; Poetry 0% -Extremities 0% -People of the Book 0% -Marv 0% -The Man in the Tower 0% -Tahitian Way 0% -In the Woods 0% -The Diary of Jack the Ripper 0% More to be added.
Hey y'all. I'll be doing a part three of this sales stuff, so just bear with me! This is the odds and ends from the last post that I still need to sell; please take a look, there's a nice amount of stuff here!