I kinda forgot I had an actual journal xD I'm always on the communitys! So here is an update!!
I do believe its time for me to upload all our crazy loli meeet up pics [even though I only got a few >.>] ! Next time we have to go in the day that way we can take way more!
[Sorry for the crappy quality >.< I figured out I had it on a waaay low setting!]
dreamingmacaron rocking the boystyle!!
I loved her dress!!!
I'm so sorry I didn't get your livejournal ^^;;;
suchafairytale Looking mega adorable! Thanks for planning the meet =D
sleepy_kaze and [I didn't get your name either ^^;;;;] Twinning!
ayansai Loved her outfit!!!
animegrrl wearing an awesome meta print!
camellia_ruth with another loved dress!
Annnnnd me!!
And now for some miscellaneous photos
Mandatory random eating shot
Some of the yummy cake. So rich in flavor!!
Showing us her awesome customized DS case!!
What really lurks in a Loli's purse
Group Shot!!
Lol I love this one !
Group shot #1 on the stairs
Group shot #2 [Noo I didn't mess with the lighting we all glow naturally >.>]
Just for lawls
Not sure what was going on here
And thats all folks =D