Feb 25, 2006 11:31
Old Gerald's infestation turned out to be an attic full of Nifflers. They'd made quite a little pile, bless them. The third years just loved playing with them.
Feb 18, 2006 21:05
I do love the weekends.
I had a good long visit with Grawpy today. He seems to be getting along fine, and has mostly stopped ripping up trees. He may be starting to get used to the forest.
Feb 11, 2006 18:29
Har. I got a letter from an old friend who works down in Cornwall, he said he has an infestation of something. He wants me to look at it, so I'll go tomorrow. If it's pixies I won't take the job - they're right fiesty buggers. Hopefully it's Nifflers and I can use them for next week;s 3rd year class... I know they will enjoy it.
Jan 31, 2006 21:22
2nd Year Gryffindor and Slytherin class not as fun as planned. Spent much of the afternoon scraping Flobberworm insides off ceiling.