you get the idea :)
well its probally all messed up but oh well..
hm look at it and i guess ask to be added to my friends list..
even though its not friends only or anything
i might still write int his one somtimes, maybe..
k, later fuckfaces ♥
aaaaaaaahhhhh! the lovely marie sweeney just called me from taking back sundayyyyy. aw shes so sweet i didnt even ask her to do that. it was awesome. i hope she has a blasttt at the rest of the concert! she needs to hang out with us more often.
im at the lovely chiarolanza residence, home of my darling brianna .. gotta love her :)
hmm i shall update about my weekend later, at this moment im going to make bri a livejournal or mayeb an xanga ? not sureee. ohkay well give us a ring! ah thats weird the phone JUST rang. hmm well later fuckerz ♥