Jun 03, 2009 08:09
Disappointment is using an unfamiliar espresso machine for the first time thinking that it would speed up the getting of caffeine because you need it to kick start yourself so you can deal with the crapload of work on your desk, and have it produce a cold coffee that tastes like dirty water…
Nov 20, 2008 13:44
I can is vanman now kthxbi
Mar 13, 2008 21:52
It is done. Photos to come
Feb 15, 2008 23:19
I will be SHAVING MY HEAD after we get back from Brisbane for the Leukaemia drive!
Your support will be most welcome
Feb 13, 2008 21:33
I'm proud to be an Australian today.
Feb 02, 2008 18:49
I've signed up for the World's Greatest Shave for the Leukaemia Foundation.
I'll be colouring my hair with N's help and photos will be forthcoming.
Let me know if you'd like to sponsor me so I can send the details to you.
Jan 15, 2008 21:12
We can has Breadmaker!!!