Happy trails and thigh hair are NOT a sing of hirsutism or PCOS. Chin hair is a better indicator, but then again some women also just have chin hairs. Happy trails and thigh hair are not atypical in the least.
I've actually discovered a few small darker chest hairs recently. Not like stray nipple hairs, which I've always had, or anything like that, but legitimate tiny hairs growing here and there across my actual chest. (For reference, I actually DO have PCOS.) If that didn't take a giant chunk out of my sense of femininity...oy, I tell you. And I normally don't even fall prey to that sort of nonsense, because I know better! But it can definitely make your confidence in your sense of your own gender falter a little, I know. If you do have PCOS, it can be treated, but try not to let the symptoms bring you down. You're still a female if you identify as one, and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.
The backs of my thighs are definitely hairy, I didn't even notice it until a couple years ago and was kind of shocked. I told my boyfriend and he kind of laughed and said, "Yeah, you didn't know?" He didn't seem to care, so its easier for me not to either. I've also got a noticeable mustache, you're not unusual!
I have both a mustache and tummy hair. I find it strange that your gyno thinks this is abnormal. Maybe she's not used to seeing it because a lot of women obsessively remove their hair.
I am quite hairy (small hair on chest, across my entire stomach, my bac - very small and not really noticeable, albeit their darkness) and have polycystic ovaries, but not the syndrome. Or maybe I do have the syndrome, haven't really tested it. However, I do know that my cultural background could def. account for my hairiness (persian) so, no, it doesn't have to mean you have PCOS. You should maybe ask for a lab test and check for other potential signs.
I have hair all over my body. Not coarse or long, it's just like baby fuzz but all over. I went to the dermatologist (because I also have acne, I hate my "shell") and he started asking me if this was normal and so on...thing is, my hair is hereditary, my mom's hairy and mi grandpa was as hairy as Malcolm's dad :/ I've also checked for PCOS but I'm fine...it's just that I'm a fucking peach and I get very sad when someone points that out :/
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